Investigation of symptoms of referral and distribution of diagnoses among children and adolescents living abroad at a child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient clinic
Cem Gökçen, Bilge Burçak Annagür
Article No: 9   Article Type :  Brief Report
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the symptoms of referral and distribution of diagnoses among children and adolescents living abroad, and to draw attention to and to evaluate their psychiatric problems.

Method: Children and adolescents admitted to Gaziantep University Medical Faculty Şahinbey Training and Research Hospital Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, between 1 January 2010 - 31 December 2010 were included in this study. Psychiatric diagnoses made according to the DSM-IV criteria and sociodemographic data were obtained by evaluating hospital records retrospectively.

Results: According to the records of 39 children and adolescents, the mean age was 9.07±4.3 years. Children and adolescents living in Germany (28.2%) referred most frequently and most of the patients were living in European countries (87.2%). Thirty six cases (92.3%) had at least 1 psychiatric disorder, the most common diagnoses were Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and Anxiety Disorder. Nine out of 39 cases were admitted to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic in the countries where they have lived because of similar symptoms. In seven of these cases, the diagnoses made in our outpatient clinic were compatible with the previous diagnoses made abroad, but in 2 cases, they were incompatible.

Conclusion: Childrens of families living abroad usually referred during holiday seasons and their diagnosis and treatment evaluations have to be completed in a short period of time. In addition, taking into consideration the importance of cooperation between doctor, family and teacher, the need to develop a more comprehensive mental health policy about these children with psychiatric problems becomes obvious.
Keywords : Psychiatric disorder, child, adolescent, abroad
Dusunen Adam : The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences : 2012;25:258-262
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Düşünen Adam - Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler Dergisi
Bakırköy Prof. Dr. Mazhar Osman Ruh Sağlığı ve Sinir Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi
Yerküre Tanıtım ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri A.Ş.