Using of seclusion and restraint in psychiatry clinics
Rabia Bilici, Mustafa Sercan, Evren Tufan
Article No: 9   Article Type :  Review
Restrictive methods such as seclusion and restraint are used for patients hospitalized in psychiatry clinics in order to prevent their harmful behaviors against themselves, other patients or hospital employees. The expected outcome of seclusion is to overcome the threat, and/or to raise patient’s mental health status to a certain level that he/she can join other patients in the clinic. Seclusion and restraint practice in the society is affected by the cultural features of that period throughout the history. In this paper, brief history of seclusion and restraint interventions that come from the early ages to the present day, reasons for these applications, their indications and contraindications, complications associated with these applications are reviewed. Moreover, interventions implemented in different countries to reduce the use of seclusion and restraints are reviewed, and the key elements of successful programs are included. Legal regulations on this issue and current status in our country are also mentioned.
Keywords : Agitation, seclusion, restraint
Dusunen Adam : The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences : 2013;26:80-88
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