Kartagener’s Syndrome and Psychotic Disorder: A Case Presentation
Ayşegül Ermiş , Ahmet Türkcan, Mehmet Emin Ceylan, Ayşe Fulya Maner
Article No: 5   Article Type :  Case Report
Kartagener’s syndrome is a rare congenital malformation and characterized by the triad of bronchiectasis, sinusitis, and situs inversus. We presented a case diagnosed as Kartagener’s syndrome and psychotic disorder. The case was a male patient, 32 years old, high school educated, married, with two children. He had a history with increasing psychotic symptoms and two times of suicide attempts, for the last two months and hospitalisations. In the psychiatric examination affect was blunted, there were anxiety, fear due to auditive hallusinations and referance delusions, anhedonia, suicidal thoughts and attempts, secondary depression. Psychiatric disorder predominently with auditive hallusinations and social withdrawal had aduration of three years. He was diagnosed Kartagener’s Syndrome when he was nine years old.
Keywords : Kartagener’s syndrome, psychotic disorder, depression
Dusunen Adam : The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences : 2009;22:32-35
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